Permitting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations: Best Practices

California has the most robust ZEV infrastructure in the country, but also one of the most challenging permitting environments. To reach true market potential as quickly as possible, our goal is for California to be the most straightforward place in the country to install market enabling ZEV charging and fueling infrastructure.

AB 1236 (2015) and AB 970 (2021), codified in Government Code Sections 65850.7 and 65850.71, require cities and counties to adopt streamlined permitting procedures for electric vehicle charging stations (EVCS), including a streamlining ordinance and checklist (examples below). City and county streamlining status is reflected on the EVCS Streamlining Map and jurisdictions are graded based on the Permitting Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Scorecard.

To assist jurisdictions with adopting streamlined permitting procedures, GO-Biz assembled the following information and best practices.


AB 1236 requires cities and counties to adopt an ordinance that creates an expedited, streamlined permitting process for EVCS. The Scorecard lists the AB 1236 criteria that must be included in a jurisdiction’s ordinance. Best practice example of ordinances for jurisdictions that meet all 7 Scorecard criteria are linked below​:


Jurisdictions have flexibility to determine how to best develop a permitting checklist based on their permitting process. Once a city or county decides what information is required in an EVCS permit application, it is a best practice to combine those requirements and any helpful guidance into a single checklist document. The checklist should make the application process clear and straightforward for the applicant and must be available online. Some jurisdictions combine their checklist and application into one document for submission. Best practice examples of checklists for streamlined jurisdictions are linked below:

Permitting Information

The Electric Vehicle Charging Station Permitting Guidebook is intended to hasten the transition to plug-in electric vehicles by simplifying the deployment of electric vehicle charging stations. The Guidebook helps create a shared foundation of understanding for how cities, counties, and developers can work together to streamline the planning, permitting, installation, and ongoing operation of charging stations and supporting equipment.

For more information on electric vehicle charging station permitting, please watch these presentations from our ZEV Permitting Workshop at the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG) from March 2020:

EVCS Permit Streamlining


Streamlined Jurisdictions 

Interconnection Process (SCE and LADWP)

The California Building Officials have a helpful Electric Vehicle Charging webpage, which includes AB 1236 Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Toolkits (located under “Documents”) to assist local jurisdictions with streamlining their permitting procedures. The Toolkits contain model ordinances, checklist templates, and other helpful materials.

For permit streamlining templates and assistance, please contact the ZEV Unit.

Additional & National Resources

Planning & Zoning

In 2023, the Sustainable Energy Action Committee (SEAC), Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI), and Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) published Planning and Zoning for Electric Vehicle Charger Deployment, a guidance document to support local code officials. This guidance is the result of more than a year of engagement with 40+ key stakeholders including auto makers, EV charging providers, and planning professionals. While this document is intended for use nationwide, it draws from the GO-Biz EV Charging Station Permitting Guidebook as a California resource. It addresses common planning and zoning challenges including permitted accessory use, parking, accessible use, design and aesthetics, and the approval process, and includes sample code text on zoning, permitted accessory use, parking count, parking mandates, accessibility, and EV charger readiness.


Coastal Development Guidance for EV Charging

AB 1236 and AB 970 do not override the California Coastal Management Act. Local governments in the coastal zone with certified Local Coastal Programs (LCPs) are responsible for determining whether a CDP is required for proposed development within their respective jurisdictions. The Coastal Commission will work with LCPs to identify potential coastal resource concerns with respect to new or expanded EVCS and clearly define the circumstances when a CDP will and will not be required. For additional guidance, please refer to the California Coastal Commission’s Coastal Development Guidance for EV Charging Stations.