
Largest Gross Domestic Product in the World1


in New Business Starts2


State in Access to Venture Capital Funding3

Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development

The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) serves as the State of California’s leader for job growth, economic development and business assistance efforts.

We offer no cost consultation for incentive identification, site selection, regulatory or permitting compliance assistance, foreign direct investment and export assistance. Contact us to get started.

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California Office of the Small Business Advocate (CalOSBA)

CalOSBA supports economic growth and innovation for ALL California small business, entrepreneurs, and startups by providing information and direct support they need to better navigate resources, programs, and regulations.

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California State Trade Expansion Program (STEP)

The California State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) provides funding and assistance to California small businesses that aim to initiate or expand their export activities.

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Community & Place-Based Solutions

The Community & Place-Based Solutions site is California’s clearinghouse for comprehensive community and economic development technical resources and regional assistance. Search funding opportunities, data sources, and more.

GO-Biz Economic Impact

Dollars in New Investments Committed by Businesses Across the State Awarded by the California Competes Tax Credit Program

Dollars in Direct In-State Spending by Film and TV Tax Credit Recipients

Small Businesses Helped by the California Office of the Small Business Advocate

As a small business in California, we are extremely grateful for our customers who have trusted us to meet their electrical and energy needs, for all the resources and opportunities available to help small businesses grow and our state’s commitment to workforce and business development.

Windell Pascascio Jr., President, Imperial Electric Service Inc

The CA SBDC program is excited at what another year of funding from Go-Biz will mean to the small business community throughout the state. Go-Biz funding will allow the SBDC’s to expand its reach and create innovative and impactful programs that will lead to the growth of existing businesses and the start of many new businesses in underserved and underrepresented areas.

Mike Daniels, Regional Director Orange County / Inland Empire SBDC Network

These funds allow the Los Angeles Regional Small Business Development Network to leverage our federal dollars to support significantly more small businesses in the greater Los Angeles region. In the program’s first year, we counseled over 2,500 more clients than the previous year, leading to our highest levels of economic impact to date. Continued funding will further expand our client base and lead to development of new programs designed to increase support for underrepresented entrepreneurs.

Pat Nye, Regional Director of the Los Angeles Small Business Development Network

The 13 Women’s Business Centers in California were pleased to receive TAEP funding this year at record levels. This historic funding allows the Centers to expand the reach and breadth of their services for under-served women entrepreneurs across the state at a time when the capital access and wealth gap for communities of color looms so large in California. In addition to vigorous entrepreneurial training and business coaching, expansion efforts include adding curriculum in different languages, and opening new offices in locations such as Bakersfield and Redding.

Nancy Swift, Executive Director of Jefferson Economic Development Institute and Chair of the Steering Committee of the Network of California Women’s Business Centers

News & Press Releases

California launches world-leading Hydrogen Hub

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and ARCHES announced the official signing of a landmark $12.6 billion agreement to build a clean, renewable Hydrogen Hub in California, including the up to $1.2 billion in federal funding that was announced last year when California was selected as a national hub….


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IBank provides financial assistance to support infrastructure and economic development in California.

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Visit California works with the state’s travel industry to develop marketing programs that inspire travel to California.

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The California Film Commission is your one-stop resource for film, TV, and commercial production across the Golden State.